The club industry is changing, we all recognize that. What can you do to stay ahead?

"The next generation of private club users are very different from our parents and have different expectations – not only in how they want to engage with the club but in how we communicate with them," says Matt Wilson, Director, Billy Casper Signature.

The frightening thing for clubs is not knowing exactly which direction to move to be in step with these changes and their member expectations. Not getting it right could mean falling behind and taking years to recover. Compounding that is the role that technology now plays in the club in both the member experience and operations. In fact, how you personalize technology might be “the most important thing” according to Greg Gilg, General Manager at Field Club of Omaha.


The question is where and how should clubs start?


That’s why we recently introduced the Private Club Industry’s First Maturity Model. After much research, we identified four distinct stages in a club’s progression to reach the most advanced Leading stage. A great first step on that journey is to complete the Success Planning Workbook available here

Through these workbooks and guides you’ll outline your club’s top objectives and rate your effectiveness on several different factors, including your Top Objectives, Membership Goals, and Operational Goals. You’ll also baseline important success factors such as Member Experience, Associate Satisfaction, use of Data and Insights, and the Member Experience. It is a primer designed to help you discover what is really important to you and your club. You’ll want to gather input from key stakeholders as well to make sure that you’re aligned in your direction. Change is hard enough, you don’t need people resisting or pulling in opposite directions. 

“The future clubs that want to remain successful and grow, have to change with the times and they must be innovators. All of us have to continue to look out of the box,” says Graham House, Clubhouse and Lodging Manager of Cordillera Ranch. 

Start planning your way forward with this success workbook or watch a webinar to get started.