For years you've depended on a "high-touch" personal experience to deliver exceptional member experiences. Now as you prepare to reopen you'll have to take a somewhat different approach to create that same experience.

Clubessential has all of the tools you need to maintain a fully engaged and personal member experience while still maintaining social distancing for member and employee safety. Both of our staff and products are here to support and partner with you during this transition.  


A New Look at Reservations 

Coming back to the club is going to be different. It’s going to happen in stages and it has to be in a controlled fashion. While you want members to enjoy the club, it’s your responsibility to ensure that it happens in a safe way the assures proper distance and time for sanitization. These are things that weren’t considered before. Clubessential has incorporated a great way to space out time intervals for your members to enable them to use all of your amenities while minimizing opportunities for personal contact or groups from gathering in any location. We are offering a Family Fun Reservations Bundle of options for select activities to get members back to the club in a safe way that enables them to book their time at the club. You can choose three of the following five activities using our reservation systems to provide an easy way for members to book their time at the club.  

Booking Against the Space Capacity
- Pool
- Fitness Center

Booking Space in Time Intervals
- Bocce
- Croquet
- Hitting Bay



Re-imagining Your Dining Options

Members can’t wait to get out and dine at your club. But things will have to change first – and bing one is space and capacity. You may need to consider removing tables or spacing them differently during the early phases of re-opening the club. You may also want to expand your outdoor dining options. To protect your members’ experience and ensure the safety of your staff, below are suggestions to consider.  

- Rearrange your table layout to be spread out for social distancing
- Consider using paper menus
- Update your reservation blocks to ensure you don’t book over capacity for these smaller groups
- Allow time for cleaning in your reservation block



Mobile Ordering

More than ordering at the turn, in the last weeks, Mobile Ordering was already taking on a huge role in the dining experience before the virus hit. Now it’s even more critical. With mobile ordering, you can offer curbside pickup, delivery service, or even groceries to go while the dining rooms are closed with the same individualized club experience your members expect. The result is just one more way that you can continue to engage with and maintain relationships with your members. In many ways, you are only limited by your imagination and willingness to experiment. Check out this amazing Mobile Ordering layout from Field Club of Omaha

Beyond mobile ordering, consider different ways to apply mobile technology. For example, you could leverage the advantages of the app for mobile for check-ins or utilize a kiosk for self-check-in the dining room to make the best use of your staff, deliver fast and streamlined service, and assure possible contact is kept to a minimum.  

Before You Open the Door … 

With all of that in mind, it’s smart to pull reports and look at your existing data before you begin. In fact, now with a fresh-beginning is a great time to establish new baselines and identify KPI’s that will impact your club and the member experience there the most. Pay special attention to the experience (X) data that can help you differentiate your club and your brand of member experience. Learn more about the experience age and reports that will have the biggest impact on you future. 



Want More?

Take a deep dive with our product owner Stephanie Leli in a webinar, Reopening your Club in a Contactless or Less Contact Environment, that will focus on everything you need to know.